Friday, July 15, 2016

Petrified Forest ROCKS!

 We took a little break from the trailer for one night and instead spent the night in this cozy little wigwam in Holbrook, AZ. The tiny sleepy town is quaint and it was fun for us to compare the movie Cars to all the little shops and sights. Our search for dinner led us to a Native American group dancing in a square. We decided to stop and watch and Emmett desperately wanted to dance. I said if they invite you to join them then of course he can. Well he ended up winning a t-shirt for his amazing dance effort and cuteness. He was very proud!
Our visit to our next national park was timed so perfectly to be able to see the summer solstice at Petrified Forest. Here the Puebloan's created many petroglyphs on the rocks and used the summer solstice for marking the changing season for crops.

This park is truly one of a kind and the petrified wood is beautiful in this stark desert landscape. The drive through the park also reveals the Painted Desert and the many colorful layers. We also were able to see many fossils, an ancient Pueblo village and enjoyed both interactive visitor centers, definitely worth a visit.

Collared Lizard

Kids in front of Old Faithful, biggest petrified tree

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